Grade 2 "Fantasy Turtle Sound Sculptures"

2000 - 2001





As part of their unit on "Sound", 2nd grade students create a sculpture using a large turtle shape for the base of the sculpture.  Students then bring in a variety of items to glue to the turtle base.
Students need to keep in mind that the items they will bring in will be struck or scraped over.  They should be thinking about the sounds that their items may make when being struck or scraped.

At home, students create unique mallets.  Using those mallets, the students perform on the "Fantasy Turtle" Sound Sculpture.  As they hit each item on the turtle's back, they identify and describe the "pitch" (high,low), the "dynamics" (loud, soft), and the "tempo" (fast, slow).





Click on photos below to view larger images!




Very original mallets!


Click on these...great artistry!

A class of performers