Pinworms are a common intestinal parasite infection caused by a small white intestinal worm about the length of a staple. While an infected person sleeps, female pinworms leave the intestines through the anus and deposit eggs on the surrounding skin.


There may be slight rectal itching, disturbed sleep and irritability. Most symptoms are mild and many infected people have no symptoms.

Shepherd Public Schools



Pinworm eggs are infective within a few hours after being deposited on the skin. They can survive up to two weeks on clothing, bedding, or other objects. You or your children can become infected after accidentally swallowing pinworm eggs from contaminated surfaces or fingers.


The treatment is a single dose of medication available from your doctor. Families need to be treated as a group. Reoccurrence is common due to reinfection. Children may return to school after treatment.


Wash hands before eating and preparing food and after using the bathroom.

Bathe or shower in the morning

Change and wash your underwear each day, frequent changes of nightclothes and sheets.

Trim fingernails short and discourage nail biting