Shepherd Public Schools
"Pinkeye", or conjunctivitis, is an inflammation and redness of the mucous membrane of the eye. This may occur in either the lining of the eye or the membranes over the white of the eye. It can be caused by a virus, bacteria or allergies. The viral and bacterial infections spread easily from one person to another.
Blurred vision (sometimes)
Drainage (clear with viral and yellowish with bacterial)
Swelling of the lid (bacterial or allergic)
A red or pink appearance of the white portion of the eye.
The symptoms will usually appear 24 to 72 hours after exposure.
Prompt medical treatment can quickly render your child non-infectious. The most common treatment is the local application of an antibiotic ointment or drops. These medications must be obtained from a doctor by prescription. If you suspect that your child has pinkeye, he/she must not attend school until treatment has been administered for 24 hours.
Good hand washing
Do not share common washcloths or towels
Do not share eye makeup or continue to use old makeup products